Happy Holidays!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, family portrait, just for fun, kids portrait, personal, portraits
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, family portrait, just for fun, kids portrait, personal, portraits
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, portraits, products
Cyber-Monday excitement continues! Our Thanksgiving sale ends tonight at midnight so be sure to take advantage.
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Sara Speert Photography
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: business news
I met Naomi early this year when Nick and I decided to take a trip to New Orleans to volunteer our time to help rebuild in the aftermath of Katrina. The trip was so educational and moving that upon my return, I created a movie with the images from my time there and my thoughts about our experiences. You can watch it here. I also wrote one article and had one written about me in the Atlanta Jewish Times and Professional Photographer Magazine.
So, Naomi is one of the amazing people that worked for JFSJ, the organization that sponsored the trip. Her enthusiasm about the program and her genuine desire to connect with all the volunteers was palpable and infectious. She and Alana guided the Atlanta office to great things. So, when it came time to thank her for her efforts, we couldn't think of a more fitting thank you than a portrait session of her family.
Photographing Naomi and Michael and their two girls, Jolene and Talia, was really fun. After a morning of rain, the skies cleared and we had a beautiful fall sunset. Riding bikes, pretending their backyard was Cinderella's Ball, and singing silly songs meant the pictures from their session truly captured a day-in-the-life of this family.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: family portrait, kids portrait, Picture of the Day, portraits
Today you get 3, count 'em THREE, Pictures of the Day. I just couldn't resist. :) How adorable is Simran in her bassinet? Yes, this was taken in her home and no, I didn't bring this prop with me. This is what makes storytelling portraits so special. This is Simran's bassinet that she used to sleep in when she needed to sleep close to mom. What a wonderful way to remember how small she is now.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: Picture of the Day
Today is the regular deadline for all holiday orders and all 2009 client image galleries.
We will however be able to take orders after today at a 50% rush fee. Please see below for more information.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, business news, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits, products
One of my clients recently asked about something she saw in another client's photos. Harper has some colorful dots on the walls in her room. They match perfectly with the rest of the brightly colored decor in her room.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: just for fun, STuFF
On Saturday, I photographed a Halloween party for a house-full of one-year old's. I was so excited about photographing this party because really, there's little that is cuter than a baby in a hooded costume. And, I was definitely not disappointed. All the parents I met were really great and Courtney's parents were wonderful to host such a fun party.
And bonus! - Courtney walked for the first time at the end of the party! It was a really exciting moment. Everyone started clapping and she looked around like she had no idea what the big deal was. So cute. It got me thinking that if I could time my clients' portraits sessions for the exact moment that their child takes his/her first steps that'd be perfect. So, let's get on that. :)
Here is my favorite Picture of the Day of pouty Superman. How precious is he?
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: Picture of the Day
How was your Halloween weekend? Mine was really busy. And as a result I have a ton to post here over the next few days. The highlight was arriving home on Saturday after shooting to find that Nick had gone shopping and put together a Halloween-themed dinner just for us. We decided to take it easy this year and just hang out at the house and hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters. So this dinner and drinks was awesome and so perfect. Did I mention that he made two mixed cocktails? Pictured are "Monster Eyeballs Martini" and for dinner, "Bat Wings".
We crafted some floating ghosts in the front yard and bats in the windows. Scary!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: just for fun, personal
Our new coffeetable album arrived and it - is - beautiful! We've upgraded the actual album to one that has hard-backed pages, full images across the entire page and a choice of covers. This one is a fine art canvas cover. This album is more durable than its predecessor and a much more substantial look and feel. You are guaranteed to be wowed.
The design is one we've been working on for quite a while (and is the first of three designs that will be available). It's called Color-block and has infinite possibilities of color combinations. The blue-green is perfect for this one year old boy. Think two-tone pinks for little girls, taupe and white for an elegant gender-neutral album, or knock-out purple and yellow for a bright fun look.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: products
It's hard to believe that Harper is one year old. Since her first portrait session, it's been so fun to get to know her. If her pictures are anything, they are really colorful. Love the striped rug in her room, her striped legs and her striped jacket. The combination of colors make the pictures so lively and fun.
Although I have terrible allergies to dogs and cats, my love for them is stronger, and I can't help but photograph the four-legged family members as well. Love the images of Harper's dog sitting patiently outside on the deck while we finish up her session.
Enjoy the slideshow!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
Let me preface this post by saying a big "Thank You!" to Cobb County Fire Station #3 on Terrell Mill Road. The firemen were so gracious to give us a tour of the trucks and the station, and most of all, put Patrick in the driver's seat for this very exciting portrait session. I don't think there is anything more exciting for a 3 year old boy than seeing a firetruck up close and being able to "drive" the truck and turn on the flashing lights.
I love this idea for a portrait session! Patrick loves trucks of all kinds so this seemed like a perfect choice for this 4th portrait session. Now that he's all grown up and completed the Growing Baby Package, we started the new Annual Portrait Session Package with this fun adventure. Although Patrick was a bit shy at first, he eventually got down from his dad's arms to explore the firehouse. The hoses, the tools, the huge steering wheel, the helmets, everything was so neat! And can't you see the excitement in Patrick's eyes? We started and finished at his house with biking, snacks and playing with some favorite toys. We really managed to get a lot into one 2-hour session.
Enjoy the slideshow below by clicking the picture to view.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
I know what you're thinking... You have so much going on that even though registering for Portrait Day is on your " to-do list," you just haven't had the time to register. Well, the good news is that we still have some spots open. The bad news is that registration is only open until 11:59pm Wednesday night (tomorrow, October 7th). So, hop to it! Click here to learn more about Portrait Day and register before the buzzer goes off and the gong is, well, gonged.
And since I can't post here without something for your visual pleasure, I thought I'd spread the word about a hilarious comedian who's getting his own show on Comedy Central. I first saw Jeff Dunham in college and then took Nick to see him a year ago here in Atlanta. He is the most original and talented comedian I've ever seen. That's a pretty big complement considering Jerry Seinfeld, Robin Williams, Bill Cosby, et al., but he does something completely different. (Warning: the material in this video may not be suitable to young ears.)
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: business news, interests, just for fun, STuFF
Carter is such a sweetie. This was his third portrait session and I can't believe how much he's grown. I know I say that all the time, but really, when I start photographing little ones when they're....so little, it's amazing and emotional to watch them turn into little boys. Carter just celebrated his 2nd birthday, and he loves to read and climb and slide and throw and look at bugs. So needless to say, this session was jam-packed with activity. We even made it down to the neighborhood park like last time. And if you remember from the first session, Hiro, Carter's doggie, got some photo love, and this time, he got some love again. Who can say no to those precious eyes? Not me.
Carter's family was especially wonderful this session because I am working on a top-secret project in which they are playing a huge role. (Hey, that was great grammar!) I hope to announce the project in the next month or so. So, thank you Amy, Jonathan and Carter!
View the slideshow by clicking the image.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
What a crazy time of year! For those of you who celebrate Rosh Hashanah and honor Yom Kippur, I hope your holidays were wonderful, meaningful and filled with family. It always feels like the High Holidays have come out of nowhere because I am so busy doing, working and living; the summer ends and all I can focus on are all the things I have planned for the fall and then, all of a sudden, the holidays are here. It's a good thing though. As much as I like to stay focused on the finish line, it's so necessary to take a break, a full break without the phone, tv, email, or Facebook, and really take some time to meditate on the past year. It's a time to realize the mistakes we've made, the accomplishments we've had, correct our wrongs and make a promise to have more accomplishments and fewer mistakes next year. Isn't that a great way for everyone to celebrate the new year?
On Saturday, I was about to start cooking eggs for brunch when I looked out the window and saw a little turtle walking up our driveway. Now, we have a lot of wildlife in our neighborhood including a stray cat and her kitten who decided to take up residence outside our house for a few weeks. The list also includes, owls, opossum, geese, ducks, squirrels, chipmunks... But a turtle?! That was new. There is a stream right across from our house and with all the rain, the stream overflowed and the streets were covered in water. Thank goodness we are on a hill and didn't experience any damage from all the flooding, but this little guy must have been looking for something, maybe food, maybe a dry place to rest, but he had no idea he was walking onto the driveway of a photographer with a love for turtles. As soon as I saw him, I ran out to see him. I didn't touch him or try to pick him up because I feel that he's a wild animal (I mean, reptile) and just because I'm higher on the food chain doesn't mean that I should do whatever I want with him. Nick suggested we make him our pet, but I don't think that putting him into a 10-gallon fish tank or even creating an outdoor home for him is really a nice way to live. Don't get me wrong, I've had pets, including turtles, and pets are wonderful but for some reason, I felt that since he's lived his whole life in the wild, I have no right to take him out of that just for my own satisfaction. But what I did do is grab my camera, and Nick grabbed our new Flip HD video camera and captured the little guy.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: just for fun, Picture of the Day
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: products
I am a huge fan of This American Life , the radio show on NPR that explores American life, stories, events both personal and public in a way that is refreshing, captivating and educational. It airs here in Atlanta on Sunday evenings, but I subscribe to the podcasts so I can listen whenever I have time. Usually that means, while I paint our living room, do the huge pile of dishes that have accumulated over what seems like weeks (read 48 hours), or my newest favorite non-photography hobby - cook in our new kitchen.
Anyway, I saw this and had to share. It's an animation of one of the vignettes on an episode. If you haven't had the pleasure yet, I urge you to listen to the next show. You can download old episodes on iTunes, listen to the latest episode here and become addicted, like me! Love it!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: STuFF
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: business news, just for fun
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: Picture of the Day
We know many of you have been waiting for this so thanks for being patient! Our 2009 catalog of holiday cards and birth announcements is here!
Many of the designs are customizable - colors, text, font, size of images on the cards, etc. Also, birth announcement designs can be customized for the holidays, and vice-versa, so don't be afraid to ask if we can adjust a design for you.
Click here to see the complete catalog.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: products
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
It's hard to believe that Nick and I have been married for 11 months. This year has flown by and it's almost time for our anniversary. Nick and I made promises, more like a bet, to each other and my end of the deal was to finish designing our wedding album by our first anniversary. Well, I'm not even close to being finished. I am finally seeing what my clients have always said about how difficult it is to choose their favorite pictures. While it's always a challenge to design a wedding or portrait album, I can honestly say now that it is easier for me to eliminate, sequence and group pictures than it is for a bride, groom or parent.
But now I'm designing my own wedding album and it is SO HARD! I've probably spent about 3 hours on it already and only designed 8 page spreads - and that includes the invitation on the first page. Anyway, while I keep my head down and try to plow thru, I decided that we needed some eye-candy, something to remind us everyday of our beautiful and memorable wedding. And we shouldn't have to wait until the album is complete to enjoy all the amazing pictures. (A bit of a copout, maybe. So what!)
So, I had a 24x36 canvas made of one of our favorite photos. It was shot during our first dance, a swing number to "You Make Me Feel So Young" by Frank Sinatra. Love the song and performing our well-rehearsed dance, with lifts and a gajillion spins, was one of the highlights of the entire day. What I love about this image is ....so many things. First, the expressions on everyone's faces - priceless. The lighting is superb, lighting up my dress and illuminating everyone's faces. Third, the composition of Nick and me in the frame. Fourth, that I can just barely make out Ben and Chris lighting and shooting this moment. (Thanks, Chris, Katie and Ben!) And most importantly, fifth, the memories is brings back. We love placing it above our bed. Since it's in a private space of the house, we get to enjoy it all to ourselves (well, except for this post, of course!) and it makes it really special.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: just for fun, personal, products
I've had a really great time designing some new holiday cards. If you are interested in the holiday card package on Portrait Day, email me and I can send you the catalog as soon as it's complete.
While I was working on holiday cards, I took the opportunity to add some birth announcement cards to my collection. I absolutely love this new design. It's a tri-fold 5x5 card that is available in 5 different papers - linen, watercolor, semi-gloss, gloss, and matte recycled paper.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, products
The day has finally come after months of planning and a year since the last event. Portrait Day 2009 registration is now open!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, business news, couple's portrait, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
Only 12 hours until Portrait Day 2009 registration is open! This year's event is sure to fill up quickly so if you're interested in scheduling a session, be sure to check back here tomorrow morning for all the details.
BUT if you are a Facebook fan, you can register NOW. Facebook fans get the VIP treatment, so if you're not a fan yet, click the logo, become a fan and register early.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, business news, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
I know it's hard to believe that fall is right around the corner. Although, the last couple days of mild temps have been so amazing. Who would have thought that Atlanta could experience low 80's in August?! Love it.
I've been busy planning the fall and have some important dates that I thought I'd post here.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: business news
For any moms or dads out there who are about to embark on their first, first day of school for their child, the day can be filled with stress, anxiety, nerves and excitement, and that's just for the parents! Most importantly, it's a day you'll want to remember forever.
We are offering a new package just in time for the first day of Kindergarten or 1st grade. The "1st Day of School" is a documentary session that starts at home, as your child wakes in his cozy bed and includes those all-important first-day-of-school clothes, breakfast, getting the backpack ready, handing him lunch and out the door. Coverage continues in the car, up to the school doors and hugs & kisses. The package concludes with all your favorite photos in a custom-designed 5x5 Carry-About Album that you and your child are sure to cherish forever.
Because many schools begin on the same day, availability is VERY limited. So if you are interested, contact the studio immediately. 404-nine-six-six-7-two-7-two.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: kids portrait, portraits
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: Picture of the Day
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: Picture of the Day
This weekend is the Children's Boutique Warehouse Sale at The Works. All the adorable clothes, toys, room decor and shoes you can find at the local boutiques, like Sugar Plum Kids, Limetree, and Wiggle are on sale up to 70% off at this huge warehouse sale.
Children's Boutique Warehouse Sale at The Works - Click the link or the image for more info and directions.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: just for fun, STuFF
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, Picture of the Day
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
On Tuesday, I had the honor of being asked again to judge the ImageMaker's Competition, the Boys and Girls Clubs of America annual photo competition. Students compete in local competitions to reach the national competition where I and two other professionals judged the entries. It is such a great complement to be asked to judge. And it was wonderful to see how young children and teenagers use creativity to see their everyday world. Many students wrote about how photography has allowed them to see the world in a different way and opened their eyes to new things. I love that photography has that power and that they've had that experience!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: interests, just for fun
I met Jen and Adam two years ago when they asked me to photograph their wedding vow renewal ceremony and dinner. They are beautiful people - inside and out - genuine and truly nice people, so when Jen contacted me recently to schedule a portrait session for their family, I jumped at the chance to see them again and meet Eli, the newest member of the family.
On a side note, Jen has an amazing blog that I love reading. I subscribe to many blogs to keep up on my friends and other big-name photographers, but Jen's blog is different. For one, take a look at the description she's given to it:
Stories of the frazzled and funny days I spend living life with two boys. Read on about how I manage motherhood, marriage, faith, friendships and all the little twists and turns along the way that keep it interesting.Plus, I love the name of it - Tales of a Southern Yankee. For all you mom's, I think you'll be able to relate to everything she writes about. So, if you do visit her newly designed blog, be sure to leave a comment. We blog people love comments!
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: family portrait, portraits
Happy Belated 4th of July! Hope you had a wonderful weekend with family & friends. Nick and I had a great day on Saturday. We headed up to the north Georgia mountains to a blueberry farm and picked delicious blueberries. I had to sample them while we picked to be sure they were "ok." It was a great way to take a mini-vacation and do something different. And we've been enjoying them since. Blueberry muffins, blueberry pancakes....
These pictures are from my iPhone. Not bad, right?
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: just for fun, personal, Picture of the Day
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: kids portrait, portraits
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, family portrait, kids portrait, portraits
After so many great responses to yesterday's Picture of the Day, I'm inspired. I have high hopes of being able to post a favorite image every day. (Those hopes may be a bit ambitious, but it's worth a try, right?)
So here's today's. Although it's not an image of a client, per se, I think it still qualifies. It's a shot of a collage in Cole's bedroom. The collage is from his first portrait session in December. I love the soft colors of the images (an effect I call "old film"), the rustic black edges and how amazing it looks on this walls of this colorful and playful room.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: baby portrait, kids portrait, Picture of the Day, portraits, products
On Saturday, I had another great opportunity to second shoot with Matt Yung in Athens, GA. I truly love second shooting weddings with Matt. It was a lot of fun to be able to take some more creative shots and move around a lot more. As the lead photographer, I generally am concerned with getting a lot of "necessary" shots, in addition to candid moments, to be sure that I cover everything. But as the second photographer, I can be a bit more relaxed and look for the unique angles and candid moments that can often be missed. It refreshed my creative eye!
This is my favorite of the day.
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Sara Speert Photography
Labels: Picture of the Day, weddings