Countertops and the 'rents
Today is a big day. The kitchen countertops arrive! The countertops are a seriously welcomed addition to the kitchen remodel. Since mid-June we've been under construction and I am so excited to have counters to prep food on and even just pour a drink on. Once the countertops are in, I get my cooktop so hello to spaghetti and eggs! Not together, that would be gross.In this pictures, the bare wood at the front is our new breakfast bar. As soon as the countertops are in, I plan to slide a bar stool up and start demanding a drink from bartender Nick. I hope he'll oblige.
Plus, this evening my parents arrive for a long weekend to do some wedding stuff. Florists, wedding coordinator and DRESSES! So excited to try on dresses! After being engaged for 9 months, you'd think I'd already been, but I really did hold off on any planning until about a month ago. This I think will be the most fun part of planning the wedding. It will be a girls-day-out on Saturday when my mom and Nick's mom come with me to some shops and we grab lunch in between. I just read in a bridal rag that wedding gowns sizes fit smaller than normal clothes. How does that make sense?! Why would dress designers want to upset their customers by making a size 6 wear a size 8? Ok, ok, I won't look at tags, but seriously!