Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Taking better pictures of your child

I was asked by Expectant Mother's Guide, an Atlanta publication for new and expecting moms, to write an article about taking the best pictures of your child. It was such an honor to contribute to this great magazine which is chock full of wonderful information ranging from financial planning to the benefits of infant massage to nursery design.

It’s a day you’ve dreamt of for months. As you leave the hospital, you can’t believe that this little bundle is yours. You step into your home and it hits you, “What now?” You have so much to do, but at that moment all you want to do is lie down on your bed and stare at this beautiful little person who just changed your life. This is a moment that you want to remember forever. His little fingers and toes are the cutest things you’ve ever seen. His lips, his eyes, everything is so perfect! So you reach for your camera to capture this moment. It’s a picture you know you will look at over and over again, so you cross your fingers that it will turn out..... continue reading the article.
The magazine will be available in March at local pediatricians' and OB doctors' offices.