So last week I was cruising the web looking through many of the website directories where I have SSP listed - checking to be sure the the information is correct - and I happened upon a profile for an artist at a social website, similar to MySpace but for artists. I was surprised and so flattered that he listed me as his favorite photographer! Since most of his work is graphic and computer generated, completely different than what I do, I am especially flattered. Here's what he wrote to me:
You definitely deserve (being called my) favourite! Your photos pack so much emotions in them, every photo tells such a great story! they are so inspiring!...
I came across your portfolio while I was looking for photographs for inspiration to do something different. At one point I felt my photography was turning very monotonous as in I was taking photos of only seascapes, beaches, objects,etc..and I felt the need to try something different and I really wanted to start with human emotions and expressions and of all the portfolios I looked on the net, yours caught my eye (because) the moment I see any of your photographs, I instantly get the whole story behind it. It makes me feel that I know (the people) in the photograph, which is pretty amazing!
I just wanna say ... keep rocking! you're awesome! and I hope someday I can be half as talented as you are.. :)
How nice is that?! Compliments from complete strangers are so amazing because they are totally unbiased. So, thanks, Nitin!
In other news, I posted a couple weeks ago that I had a great time having lunch with some friends. As much as my friends and family like to think that I have oodles of time to grab lunch here and there and do whatever I'd like during the workday, it's usually not the case. So much to do, and so little time! :) But I managed to make it to lunch to see my friends, Megan Resch (who was visiting from Phoenix), Chris and Katie, and Jen Odom. Here's what 5 photographers look like when they photograph themselves. :)

I love that Chris is the only guy AND the only one truly in focus. He knew exactly where to stand. :)