Welcome to Sara Speert Photography's brand new BLOG! (We are so glad to be joining the new millennia - 6 1/2 years later ain't so bad... ok, it's pathetic. But we did make it and that's what's important, right?)
This will be a great spot for posting news and photographs from our recent weddings and portraits. I hope that you return again and again to fill your curiosity and post your own thoughts.
The most recent great news is that I had one of my favorite images, one I call "Security", printed in Skirt! Magazine (August). Skirt!, as you can imagine, is for women, but I don't think they'd kill you if you're a guy and wanted to read. It's distributed all over the Southeast which makes me so happy. I've really enjoyed photographing weddings in and around Atlanta, North Georgia and Alabama and I'd love to shoot weddings and portraits in Charleston, Savannah, Hilton Head,
and especially at the beaches. So, I'm looking forward to feedback from readers.
So, thanks for reading. Check back often and be sure to visit the website.